In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, societies worldwide are witnessing profound transformations across various spheres of life, including family structures, educational systems, and workplace environments. These changes, driven by globalization, technological advancements, and shifting socio-economic dynamics, present both challenges and opportunities for individuals, communities, and nations alike. As we navigate these complex changes, it becomes increasingly imperative to focus on advancing equality, health, and well-being to ensure no one is left behind.
Equality remains a cornerstone of social progress, yet disparities persist across gender, race, socio-economic status, and other dimensions· In many parts of the world, women, marginalized communities, and other vulnerable groups continue to face significant barriers to equal opportunities and fair treatment· As the global community works towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 10 on reducing inequalities, there is a pressing need for collaborative efforts to dismantle these barriers and promote inclusive practices across all sectors of society.
Health and well-being are equally critical to the flourishing of individuals and communities· The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of resilient health systems, equitable access to healthcare, and the promotion of mental health and well-being. As the world emerges from the pandemic, there is a unique opportunity to reimagine and rebuild health systems that prioritize the holistic well-being of individuals, taking into account the social determinants of health that influence outcomes across the life course. In particular, there is a growing recognition of the need to address the mental health challenges exacerbated by the pandemic, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children, adolescents, and workers in precarious employment.
Family, educational, and workplace contexts are central to realizing equality, health, and well-being. Families, as the fundamental units of society, play a crucial role in shaping the values, behaviors, and opportunities of individuals· However, changing family dynamics, including shifts in household structures, parenting roles, and work-life balance, necessitate new approaches to supporting family well-being. Educational institutions, from early childhood through higher education, are key to fostering equality and well-being, yet they face challenges in adapting to the diverse needs of learners and the demands of a rapidly changing world. Likewise, workplaces are undergoing significant transformations, with the rise of remote work, the gig economy, and automation, all of which have implications for workers' rights, job security, and work-life integration.
Drawing from the background information, the conference will explore the theme of Embracing Change: Advancing Equality, Health, and Well-Being Across Family, Educational, and Workplace Context" encapsulates the need to proactively engage with these ongoing transformations and to develop innovative strategies that promote equity, health, and well-being
International Conference on Psycholgy and Health Issue 2024
November 2, 2024 – November 2, 2024BACKGROUND
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, societies worldwide are witnessing profound transformations across various spheres of life, including family structures, educational systems, and workplace environments. These changes, driven by globalization, technological advancements, and shifting socio-economic dynamics, present both challenges and opportunities for individuals, communities, and nations alike. As we navigate these complex changes, it becomes increasingly imperative to focus on advancing equality, health, and well-being to ensure no one is left behind.
Equality remains a cornerstone of social progress, yet disparities persist across gender, race, socio-economic status, and other dimensions· In many parts of the world, women, marginalized communities, and other vulnerable groups continue to face significant barriers to equal opportunities and fair treatment· As the global community works towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 10 on reducing inequalities, there is a pressing need for collaborative efforts to dismantle these barriers and promote inclusive practices across all sectors of society.
Health and well-being are equally critical to the flourishing of individuals and communities· The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of resilient health systems, equitable access to healthcare, and the promotion of mental health and well-being. As the world emerges from the pandemic, there is a unique opportunity to reimagine and rebuild health systems that prioritize the holistic well-being of individuals, taking into account the social determinants of health that influence outcomes across the life course. In particular, there is a growing recognition of the need to address the mental health challenges exacerbated by the pandemic, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children, adolescents, and workers in precarious employment.
Family, educational, and workplace contexts are central to realizing equality, health, and well-being. Families, as the fundamental units of society, play a crucial role in shaping the values, behaviors, and opportunities of individuals· However, changing family dynamics, including shifts in household structures, parenting roles, and work-life balance, necessitate new approaches to supporting family well-being. Educational institutions, from early childhood through higher education, are key to fostering equality and well-being, yet they face challenges in adapting to the diverse needs of learners and the demands of a rapidly changing world. Likewise, workplaces are undergoing significant transformations, with the rise of remote work, the gig economy, and automation, all of which have implications for workers' rights, job security, and work-life integration.
Embracing Change : Advancing Equality, Health, and Well-Being Across Family, Educational and Workplace Context
- Family Resilience
- Mental Health
- Abusive Behavior
- Digital Well-being
- Suicidal Intervention
- Cyber Sex
- Dating and Mating Behavior
- Organizational Well-Being
- Work Family Balance
- Problematic Internet Use
- Digital Learning
- Cyber Health
- Psychiatric Health
- Medical Health
- Emergency Health
- Pediatric Health
- Family Health
- Community Health
- Maternity Health
- Educational Psychology
Dr. Ir. Krismadinata, M.T
Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang
Dr. Suryanef, M.Si
Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Health, Universitas Negeri Padang
Prof. Tso Ying Lee
Director of Nursing Research Center, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Zulakbal bin Abd Karim
Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Dr. (Cand) Tesi Hermaleni, M.Psi., Psikolog
Faculty of Psychology and Health, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Dr. Ns. Armaita, S.Kep., SKM., M.Si
Faculty of Psychology and Health, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Abstract Submission
15 September - 25 October 2024
Deadline Registration
25 October 2024
Full Paper Submission
26 October - 31 October 2024
Conference Day
2 November 2024
Rp. 150.000
Rp. 75.000
Rp. 300.000
Rp. 150.000
Oral Presenter
Rp. 300.000
Rp. 150.000
Rp. 600.000
Rp. 300.000
Participant Only
USD 10
USD 20
USD 12
Oral Presenter
USD 20
USD 11
USD 40
USD 22
Transfer Payment
Bank Nagari : 990002202200010033
Acount Holder
Ichopi FPK
Register & Submission here : https://s.id/ICoPHI2024
2nd ICoPHI 2023
The Disruptive Era is when technological advances, social changes, and rapid market dynamics mainly cause significant and profound changes in human life. This era was marked by profound transformations in business, education, government, and society, often replacing more traditional models with innovative, paradigm-shifting solutions. In this era, there are significant changes that disrupt or fundamentally change the traditional way in which business, industry, society, and human life in general operate.
Lifestyle changes, such as reduced physical activity due to technology adoption, increased social media exposure, and dietary changes, contribute to health problems such as obesity, sleep disorders, and mental health problems.
Individuals, families, organizations, and communities are also facing new pressures in dealing with this era of disruption. Economic, social, and environmental challenges can affect family dynamics and the health of society as a whole. Maintaining mental health and well-being is essential to facing the disruptive era. It involves recognizing the signs of stress and adverse feelings, taking steps to balance and rest, seeking social support, and seeking professional help.
Good mental health can influence how a person adapts to change, maintains productivity, and achieves a better quality of life. In this changing environment, we must find new ways to improve health and well-being to remain relevant and sustainable.
In the context of the challenges and opportunities presented by the disruption era, this international seminar's theme is "Enhancing Health and Well-being in Individuals, Family, Organizational and Society in a Disruptive Era."-
International Conference on Psycholgy and Health Issue 2023
November 4, 2023 – November 4, 2023BACKGROUND
The Disruptive Era is when technological advances, social changes, and rapid market dynamics mainly cause significant and profound changes in human life. This era was marked by profound transformations in business, education, government, and society, often replacing more traditional models with innovative, paradigm-shifting solutions. In this era, there are significant changes that disrupt or fundamentally change the traditional way in which business, industry, society, and human life in general operate.
Lifestyle changes, such as reduced physical activity due to technology adoption, increased social media exposure, and dietary changes, contribute to health problems such as obesity, sleep disorders, and mental health problems.
Individuals, families, organizations, and communities are also facing new pressures in dealing with this era of disruption. Economic, social, and environmental challenges can affect family dynamics and the health of society as a whole. Maintaining mental health and well-being is essential to facing the disruptive era. It involves recognizing the signs of stress and adverse feelings, taking steps to balance and rest, seeking social support, and seeking professional help.
Good mental health can influence how a person adapts to change, maintains productivity, and achieves a better quality of life. In this changing environment, we must find new ways to improve health and well-being to remain relevant and sustainable.
In the context of the challenges and opportunities presented by the disruption era, this international seminar's theme is "Enhancing Health and Well-being in Individuals, Family, Organizational and Society in a Disruptive Era." This seminar aims to be a platform for experts, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to share knowledge, experience, and the latest discoveries in achieving better health and well-being in an ever-changing era.
- Family Resilience
- Mental Health
- Abusive Behavior
- Digital Well-being
- Suicidal Intervention
- Cyber Sex
- Dating and Mating Behavior
- Organizational Well-Being
- Work Family Balance
- Problematic Internet Use
- Digital Learning
- Cyber Nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Medical Nursing
- Emergency Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
- Family Nursing
- Community Nursing
- Maternity Nursing
- Gerontological Nursing
Prof. Erminia Colucci
Department of Psychology, Middlesex University London
Ph.D (Cand) Rindang Ayu, S.Psi., M.Si
Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Prof. Zabidah Putit, Ph.D
Mental Ilness, Malaysia
Open Registrasion
20 September 2023
Full Paper Deadline
20 October 2023
Full Paper Announcement
25 October 2023
Conference Day
4 November 2023
Rp. 75.000 IDR
Presenter (Student)
Rp. 150.000 IDR
Presenter (General)
Rp. 350.000 IDR
Transfer Payment
Bank Nagari
Acount Holder
Ichopi FPK
*Targeted Publisher European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Proceeding
**Selected Paper have the opportunity tobe published in RAP Journal - SINTA 3
Register & Submission here : bit.ly/RegistrationICoPHI2023
1st ICoPHI 2022
We are now heading into the era of society 5.0. The era of society 5.0 was developed by Japanese Government to describe the integration between physical and virtual spaces that can solve social problems. Many things in this era are run based on the concept of internet-based big data technology that will make human life easier. The effect of this era will be felt in various aspects of our lives such as health, education, transportation, industry, etc.
If we look at Indonesia specifically, Indonesia is currently still in the era of 4.0. It can be seen in various fields, one of them is education field. Education in Indonesia currently already uses online learning method. However, for the 5.0 era, online learning method will use various technology-based educational tools. For this reason, it is important for educators to not only use technology in teaching but also focus and put attention on student’s character, moral, and discipline.
Although there are so many benefits and positive aspects we will feel in the era of 5.0, we also need to open our eyes to the negative aspects that may occur when students are exposed to too much technology. The opportunity to get the freedom to access the internet and unlimited access of information can have negative impact on students such as game and social media addiction, cyber bullying, etc. These problems can have an impact to student’s mental health as we can find in several studies which say that “internet addiction has a tendency to make a person apathetic, addicted, and PTSD.
Mental health is important because this kind of health is related to many aspects in human such as physical and cognitive functions. One of interesting topics related to this issue is how human cognitive functions, especially about the brain and nervous system in addiction and mental health issues which we called neuroscience.
For these reasons, an international seminar entitled " INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH ISSUES”carries the theme advancement in health science and psychology for society 5.0.
International Conference on Psycholgy and Health Issue
October 22, 2022 – October 22, 2022BACKGROUND
We are now heading into the era of society 5.0. The era of society 5.0 was developed by Japanese Government to describe the integration between physical and virtual spaces that can solve social problems. Many things in this era are run based on the concept of internet-based big data technology that will make human life easier. The effect of this era will be felt in various aspects of our lives such as health, education, transportation, industry, etc.
If we look at Indonesia specifically, Indonesia is currently still in the era of 4.0. It can be seen in various fields, one of them is education field. Education in Indonesia currently already uses online learning method. However, for the 5.0 era, online learning method will use various technology-based educational tools. For this reason, it is important for educators to not only use technology in teaching but also focus and put attention on student’s character, moral, and discipline.
Although there are so many benefits and positive aspects we will feel in the era of 5.0, we also need to open our eyes to the negative aspects that may occur when students are exposed to too much technology. The opportunity to get the freedom to access the internet and unlimited access of information can have negative impact on students such as game and social media addiction, cyber bullying, etc. These problems can have an impact to student’s mental health as we can find in several studies which say that “internet addiction has a tendency to make a person apathetic, addicted, and PTSD.
Mental health is important because this kind of health is related to many aspects in human such as physical and cognitive functions. One of interesting topics related to this issue is how human cognitive functions, especially about the brain and nervous system in addiction and mental health issues which we called neuroscience.
For these reasons, an international seminar entitled " INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH ISSUES” carries the theme advancement in health science and psychology for society 5.0.EVENT
- Human Behaviour
- Mind and body health
- Well Being
- Positive Psychology
- E-Health
- Modern Health
- Nursing
- Medical
- Public Health
- Jon D. Elhai, Ph.D
Department of Psychology University of Toledo, USA - Profesor Tetsuya Tanioka, RN; MA, MSN, Ph.D., FAAN
Department of Nursing Outcome Management,
Institute of Biomedical Science
Tokushima University, Japan - Prof.Khatijah Binti Abdullah
Department Of Nursing, Sunway University, Malaysia - Dr (Cand) Niken Hartati, S.Psi., M.A.
Departement of Psychology Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Description Dates 1. Open Registrasion 22th Agustus 2022 2. Abstract Submission Deadline 1th October 2022 3. Accepted Abstract Announcement 3 days after abstract submited 4. Last Payment 18th October 2022 5. Full Paper Submission Deadline 14nd October 2022 6. Converence 22th October 2022 FEE AND TRANSFERRING
Conference Registration Fee:
Participants (Student and Non-Student) Rp50.000 Presenter (Student) Rp150.000 Presenter (General) Rp300.000 Transferring :
Transfer Payment
BANK NAGARI 990002202200010033 Account Holder
ICoPHI FPK 1. Modern Health
2. Psychology
3. Education
4. Human behaviour
5. Medical
6. Public health
7. Well being
8. Positive Psychology
9. Nursing